What’s On Your Wall? Environment can influence people’s:

Behavior and motivation to act.

Mood and emotional state.

Reduce stress.

All which in turn impacts physical health in multiple ways. Experts in the new area of evidence-based design have identified environmental factors that can have a large impact on health outcomes. Simply decorating a wall or work area with awe inspiring images and inspirational words, such as the Inspired Perspectives Wellness Wall Calendar helps to:

  1. Increase connection to nature. Views to the outside or nature themed artwork on the wall.
  2. Provide pleasant diversions. Heart surgery patients in intensive care who viewed artwork of nature reported less stress/anxiety and needed fewer pain medications than a control group with no pictures.*
  3. Impacts psychological comfort with inviting scenes creating a focal point or single design element that instantly draws the eye into the space.

A wellness calendar can be your most effective and inexpensive communication tool to deliver engaging well-being tips and action steps to promote healthy habits all year long.

Combine the Wall Calendar with the Online Calendar Tool, where you can add your organization’s important dates, events, links and syncs to your employees Outlook Calendar.

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