Help Your Employees Solve the “What’s for Dinner Dilemma?” 

Coming up with ideas for meals everyday can challenge anyone during normal times, but now the extra balance of work/home/childcare responsibilities requires even greater creativity. The goal is to take less trips to the grocery store for ingredients while still having nourishing and delicious food options. For instance,  bell peppers can be used to create a variety of meals including, fajitas, fresh spaghetti sauce, stuffed peppers, sausage and peppers or serve up a chilled cucumber, tomato and pepper salad.

Here are a few tips to share with employees to plan meals for the week, leading with ingredients that will work for multiple dishes:

Check what you have at home. Look in the refrigerator, freezer and pantry.  Check expiration dates and toss what is out of date.

Do some internet searching. What is your favorite vegetable or what’s in season? Research recipes by ingredients and see what appeals to you.

Make a shopping list. Stay focused to plan for a mix of fresh, frozen and shelf-stable foods. Use the fresh ingredients first.

Whether you try new recipes or stick to familiar foods, planning ahead will avoid the “what’s for dinner dilemma”.

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Need more nourishing tips, recipes and healthy meal ideas to share with your population?

The 2021 Live Inspired Wellness Calendar contains a new tasty recipe each month.

Healthy Perspectives Digest includes a nourishing meal idea in each issue:

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