Communication is crucial within organizations. Effective communication can help to foster a good working relationship between employer and employees, which in turn can improve morale and efficiency. Poor communication in the workplace will inevitably lead to unmotivated, ill-informed staff. Steps to improve communications include a combination of content that is concise, relevant and meaningful with technology for effective delivery. 

Modes of Delivery
Snail mail – There is a lot to be said of the importance of information that is placed in someone’s hand.
Email – Is an easy way to loop people in and send to more than one person at one time.
Calendar – Wall calendars keep messages in direct sight daily. Information that can be delivered directly into an employees work email calendar is an easy way to send reminders.
Face-to-face – Tone of voice, exciting language and non verbal cues such as smiling.
Video – Transmits ideas through pictures for visual learning.
Challenges – Messages delivered within an APP or portal with the focus on a fun interactive challenge.

Content is King
Accurate information that is evidence-based from reliable sources. 
Interesting so it is presented in a relatable way that is relevant to individuals.
Attractive with colors and graphics that are appealing. 
User friendly and easy-to-read and understand.

Original content isn’t easy to come by. The internet is full of content, some reliable and some not so much. Most content is copyrighted and long. It takes creativity, writing skill and behavioral modification experience to present topics in such a way that is appealing to the reader. 

Cost Comparison
When justifying the cost of working with communication experts, compare the hours it takes to create a high quality communication such as a wellness newsletter issue to the hourly rate of your internal staff. Below is a breakdown of the steps and hours that go into writing, designing and editing each issue of Healthy Perspectives Digest. You want your team to be utilized to their fullest efficiency. Inspired Perspectives delivers affordable, professional, high quality content by experts with a greater knowledge of effective communications and vase experience in the field.

Step Why It’s Necessary Healthy Perspectives Digest/Issue Approximate Time Invested
per issue
Editorial Planning Selecting topics that cover all aspects of well-being that are relevant, interesting and appealing. 4 main topics

Inspire to Move

30-minutes to 1 hour
Article Research Each topic must be researched from evidence-based, accurate, up-to-date, trusted sources of information. 6 articles

1 recipe

health tip post

quiz section

4-8 hours

(30-60 minutes per article/topic)


Article Writing Presenting  content in a way that is:


       Concise and concrete




Evidence-based information is re-written using creative writing techniques present in a more appealing format that is meaningful. 15-20 hours
Image Selection Appealing graphics that grab attention aid visual learning. 65% of the population are visual learners. Half the human brain is directly devoted to processing visual information.



Focus on selecting visuals paired with the text content so they work together to create an impact. 2-3 hours
Graphic Design Communications are a reflection on the company and influences clients and employees confidence in the content of the communication as well as the benefit and wellness program services. A professional design that looks polished reflects the quality of service and reflects positively on the sender. Includes photoshop work on images and typesetting. 20 hours
Editing/Review Editing and proof-reading grammar, spelling or inconsistencies. 3 rounds of editing/review 6 hours
Graphic Design Revisions A final draft is completed after 3 rounds of editing. New file is created by designer. 1-2 hours
Total estimated time for standard issue 49 – 60 hours

Why Choose Inspired Perspectives(IP)?

A few of the characteristics that make IP the best choice for your communication/newsletter partner include:

Inspired Perspectives (IP) delivers creative, flexible and fully customizable solutions tailored for unique populations and designed to sustain long-term positive rewards.


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